I had the
privilege of attending an event at the U.S.
Air force Academy Chapel. President Dieter F.
Uchtdorf spoke to the graduating cadets that were of our religion. The cadets sang a couple of songs before he spoke. My friend that attends a singles ward told me of an experience that her friend had. He was a cadet and was asked to take President
Uchtdorf on a tour of the academy. A bunch of fellow cadets asked him why he was dressed in his whites that day. He was having a hard time explaining who exactly President
Uchtodorf was and what he meant to the members of his church. Another cadet explained it very well to everyone. He asked if they knew who Peter, James, and John were in the New Testament. They said that they did know who they were. He said, "Well, President
Uchtdorf would be "John"." The other cadets then understood very well what position in our church President
Uchdorf held.
The story that President
Uchtdorf told to the cadets was an experience that his wife had when she was young and lived in post war Germany. Her mother was pulling her along in a red wagon. They came upon an American Soldier. Sister
Uchtdorf was really taken with this soldier especially after he bent over and gave her a piece of chewing gum. She had never had chewing gum before or even knew what it was. She put it in her mouth and chewed, and chewed, and chewed. She finally asked her mother what in the world it was she was chewing, and her mother tried to explain it to her. After chewing it for quite sometime, she took it out, wrapped it up, and saved it to chew some more later. Needless to say, this soldier left a positive and lasting impression on her. Some time later, some missionaries knocked on their door. This was after her father had died. Sister
Uchtdorf answered the door and immediately remembered the soldier that had given her the gum because these missionaries reminded her of the soldier. She ran and told her mother that some missionaries were at the door. Her mother told her to send them away. She went back to the door then went back to her mother. She said, "but Mom they are really really nice". He mother said, "Okay, well invite them in then." Needless to say they were baptised and now she is married to "John" or an Apostle of the Lord. President
Uchtdorf told this story to remind the cadets that they too can make a lasting impression on people that they come in contact with all over the world and they should be kind and set the best example that they can.
For me, it was well worth attending this meeting to hear an Apostle of the Lord in person and feel of the spirit that he carries with him. It is an experience that has made a lasting impression on me. I'm glad that I was able to attend.