Sunday, January 10, 2010

Nature up Close and Personal

We live fairly close to a mountain and often find wildlife in our own backyard. It was early on a weekday morning. I had to visit our Denver Branch and had to get an early start. At 5:30 a.m. I decided to put the dog outside on his chain so that he could go potty. I left the back door open so that I could keep an eye on him while I put my laptop in its case and got my things together. I heard some magpies (meat eating birds) squaking. They are pretty noisey birds anyways. There must have been 5 or 6 birds squaking. Pretty soon it sounded like they were screaming. I started to worry about the dog and decided that I had better go check on him even though I could see out the back door to where he was at. As I was walking towards the back door, I wondered if those magpies were after my dog because I had never heard them screem like that before. I walked outside and saw a Bobcat sitting about 3 feet from my dog and looking at eating him for breakfast. The dog was facing the opposite direction and didn't even notice the bobcat. He was a little confused by the screaming magpies. I grabbed his chain and pulled him into the house very quickly. I watched the Bobcat. It had very long legs and was much bigger then I pictured a bobcat to be. It must have been twice as big as my 41 pound dog. The bobcat finally decided that it's breakfast was gone so it left. The magpies were screaming, because the bobcat was so close to their nests. My dog owes those magpies his life. Even though the bobcat was looking at eating my dog for breakfast, I must admit it was very majestic looking.

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