Sunday, January 10, 2010

Green Mountain Falls

It was the 4th of July weekend of 2009. The dog and I wanted to find a place where we could hike next to some water. Someone at work told us about Green Mountain Falls. We printed trail information from the Internet and started on our way. It was partly cloudy and very nice. Not too hot. We parked by the lake and walked up some streets to find the trail head. It wasn't very easy to find. There were no signs to point the way. I pulled out my GPS and it got us there. There is no parking by the trail head. By the time you walk from the lake to the trail head you feel like you have already had your hike. There were not many people around and the clouds were getting more ominous. We made it to the trail head and noticed three hikers coming down. As we got closer, we discovered that they were three rough looking males with a dog that could have eaten my dog for lunch. We prayed that they weren't drunk and would not pay any attention to us. They passed by keeping their dog close to them and saying hello. We made it to the first waterfall and decided we had better get back before it started to rain. We picked-up our pace and got back to the road wishing that they had parking closer by. It started to thunder very loudly. My dog is terrified of thunder and started going nuts, barking, running, pulling on his leash, and going in circles. Now the rain was a down pour and we became drenched very quickly. We took refuge under a nice thick pine tree and waited for the down pour to stop. It was too late. The dog and I looked like a pair of drowned rats. The three males and their dog were running down the street more soaked then we were. Soon the down pour turned into a drizzle so we went to the Post Office and sat on the bench outside. Some young adults came and sat by us. They spend the summer in Green Mountain Falls and live in another state back east. They love the summers there even though it had rained every afternoon this summer. We called it an adventure and headed back to the car. Fortunately, I had a towel in the trunk for the dog to sit on. We went home and both took a bath separately of coarse.

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