Friday was a pretty sad day for me so I decided to drown my sorrows in a good hike on Saturday. Saturday I woke up early like usual. I started the day off by watching a Western called Lone Rider with Lou Diamond Phillips while eating a bowl of plain cheerios with fresh blueberries and strawberries. I then did an hour workout called Zumba Cardio Party. My neighbor and I went to brunch at a fairly new restaurant named Diane's. I came home and got the dog. We decided that we had better take our annual hike through Ute Valley Park before the rattle snakes come out of hibernation. We weren't sure if the grizzly bears were out of hibernation yet or not because it is starting to get warm. We went up trails and down trails, back and forth through ravine's, and climbed up and down rocks. Almost two hours later we took the above picture looking from Ute Valley Park towards Pikes Peak. By the time we walked out of Ute Valley I was absolutely exhausted so we decided to top our hike off with another 3/4 mile around Pinon Valley Park. We finally called it a solid three hour workout including Zumba and went home. That is certainly a good way to drown out any sorrows. I'm trying to prepare to do a 14er (hike up to 14,000 feet high). I'm going to start with an easy one this summer. We will see how it goes. The dog is now 13 years old but thinks he is a young pup when we go hiking. I think that I will end the day by watching Comanche Moon.